Native Wetland Plants

Native plants are always the best choice for use in landscapes, restoration projects, storm water projects, and naturalized areas. Aquascapes Unlimited’s seed sown local ecotype species add natural wildlife benefits, promote biodiversity, and oftentimes require less maintenance in terms of fertilizers and pesticides. Plug trays can be shipped via UPS.

A Wetland Planting Guide is available in the "About us" portion of the website.


Select Plant Type:
Botanical Name     Common Name
Floating leaf mud plantain

Floating leaf mud plantain

Botanical Name: Heteranthera reniformis

Heteranthera reniformis, Floating leaf mud plantain, has bright green glossy almost kidney-shaped leaves growing on sprawling stems with delicate light blue flowers during summer and early fall. Flowers open about 3 hours after ...

Four squarerush

Four squarerush

Botanical Name: Eleocharis quadrangulata

Eleocharis quadrangulata, Four squarerush, is a PA endangered plant.  Four squarerush has a distinct four sided stem which is dark green in color. With an elegant simplicity, this 2-3' tall rush grows in...

Fowl mannagrass

Fowl mannagrass

Botanical Name: Glyceria striata

Glyceria striata, Fowl mannagrass, can be found in marshes, wet banks, damp woods, and occasionally in shallow water.  Fowl mannagrass provides food and shelter to a wide variety of aquatic wildlife.  Glyceria...

Fox sedge

Fox sedge

Botanical Name: Carex vulpinoidea

Carex vulpinoidea, Fox sedge, is aptly named for its fox tail like seed head.   Fox sedge, is a tough versatile plant that lends itself well to most wetland restoration projects. Like Tussock sedge, Fox sedge has...

Fringed sedge

Fringed sedge

Botanical Name: Carex crinita

Carex crinata, Fringed sedge, is a common sedge of cooler northern climates.  Fringed sedge is named for its slender drooping seed heads that are present from June through July. It stands at 3-4’ tall....

Golden Alexanders

Golden Alexanders

Botanical Name: Zizia aurea

Zizia aurea, Golden Alexander, is a native perennial which is found growing in small colonies in moist woods and meadows, swamps, thickets, riverbanks and prairies. Zizia aurea grows 1-2' tall in nice tight clumps about 12" in diam...

Golden club

Golden club

Botanical Name: Orontium aquaticum

Orontium aquaticum, Golden Club, is a striking aquatic plant. Golden Club has bright yellow flower clusters (spadix) at the tips. Blooming in April-June Orontium aquaticum is one of the first plants...

Grass Leaf Arrowhead

Grass Leaf Arrowhead

Botanical Name: Sagittaria rigida

Sagittaria rigida, Grass Leaf Arrowhead, is found in swamps, bogs, marshes, and shallow waters in both mud and sandy soils. The arrow-shaped long thin foliage grows to 2' tall above the water line in sun to partial shade with small...

Great blue lobelia

Great blue lobelia

Botanical Name: Lobelia siphilitica

Lobelia syphilitica, Great blue lobelia, is an herbaceous perennial that grows in nice clumps from 1-3' tall. The upright stems of Great blue lobelia produce a striking blue flower head which creates a wonderful ...

Greater Bur-Reed

Greater Bur-Reed

Botanical Name: Sparganium eurycarpum

Not only are Sparganium eurycarpum, Greater bur-reed, good for providing food and habitat for wildlife, these plants are also extremely useful for improving and maintaining water quality by absorbing nutrients and st...

Green Bulrush

Green Bulrush

Botanical Name: Scirpus atrovirens

Scirpus atrovirens, Green Bulrush, is a broad leaf rush common to wet meadows and swales.  Scirpus atrovirens thrives in full sun to partial and blooms from mid June to late July with attractive dark brown almost black inflorescence. Gre...

Green-headed Coneflower

Green-headed Coneflower

Botanical Name: Rudbeckia laciniata

Rudbeckia laciniata, Green headed Coneflower, grows in moist soils in rich woodlands, thickets or along streams and next to ponds in full sun to part shade. Although it tolerates hot and humid summers quite well, it will not do well in severe...