Carnivorous Plants
The majority of our carnivorous plants and companions are hardy to at least zone 6 and are native plants of the United States. A simple recipe for success is full sun, mineral free water, and the right media. These unique curious botanical offerings will inspire a personal addictive passion in anyone who has success maintaining them in captivity.
Want to build your own bog & tour the nursery? Please visit the events page located on the "About us" tab.
The carnivorous plants are listed below. If you would like to see a list of carnivorous companions, please use the "plant type" drop down box and select "carnivorous companions".
Attn: Wholesale floral distributors...We also offer many of our unique Pitcher Plant varieties as "cut tubes" to wholesale floral distributors for use in floral arrangements. Click here for more information.
Sarracenia alataCommon Name: Pale Pitcher
The Pale Pitcher Plants range is from eastern Texas across southern Louisiana to the extreme western edge of the Florida panhandle. S. alata emerges first with numerous pale creamy yellow flowers on thin stems reaching 9-10” in heig... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia flavaCommon Name: Yellow Pitcher
The Yellow Pitcher Plants range is form southeastern Alabama across northern Florida and up the Atlantic coastal plain to Southern Virginia. S. flava is one of the tallest species of pitcher plants reaching almost 3’. The Yellow Pit... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia leucophyllaCommon Name: White Trumpet
The White Trumpet Pitcher Plants range extends form the southeastern corner of Mississippi across the Florida panhandle and into Southwest Georgia. S. leucophylla is one of the taller pitcher plants with foliage reaching almost 3’. ... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia leucophylla 'Tarnok'Common Name: 'Tarnok'
S. leucophylla 'Tarnok' like it's parentage is at home in the SE United States and is most common to the Florida Panhandle and southernmost Alabama. Reaching a height of up to 3' what sets the 'Tarnok' apart is the gorgeous la... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia minorCommon Name: Hooded Pitcher
The Hooded Pitcher Plants range extends from deep southern Florida north and west to the panhandle and north to southern North Carolina. Most notably the 8-16” pitchers of S. minor have pronounced translucent windows on the back of ... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia psittacinaCommon Name: Parrot Pitcher
The Parrot Pitchers range extends form far eastern Louisiana across the Florida panhandle and north to the southern tip of South Carolina. S. psittacina is often found growing in very wet often submerged sites in its native range. The cur... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia purpureaCommon Name: Purple Pitcher
S. purpurea, purple pitcher plant. The widest ranging and most well recognized of the pitchers. The purple pitcher plant is native in Canada, the Great Lakes and the eastern seaboard to southern New Jersey. Little chance... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia rubraCommon Name: Sweet Pitcher
S. rubra, sweet pitcherplant, is native to the bogs and shrubby pocosins in the coastal plain from N. Carolina to the western Florida Panhandle. Very fragrant bright to deep red flowers stand above slender clump forming pitche... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x 'Dana's Delight'Common Name: 'Dana's Delight'
S. leucophylla x 'Dana's Delight' created by Mark Edwards of new Zealand and propagated by Kim Magnusson in Hawaii is a showy hybrid pitcher up to 3' tall. A bright green and pink pitcher lead up to a hood that is a deep pink ... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x 'Judith Hindle'Common Name: 'Judith Hindle'
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Sarracenia x 'Scarlet Belle'Common Name: 'Scarlet Belle'
S. 'Scarlet belle' is a cultivar of a naturally occurring hybrid of (S. leucophylla x psittacina) x (S. leucophylla x wrigleyana) and is a superior cultivar. Distinctly different from other pitchers with it's intense scarlet... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x 'Farnhamii'Common Name: Sarracenia x 'Farnhamii'
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Sarracenia x 'Hollandia' (leuco hybrid)Common Name: Sarracenia x 'Hollandia'
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Sarracenia x 'Stevensii'Common Name: Sarracenia x 'Stevensii'
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Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid 'Doodle Bug'Common Name: 'Doodle Bug'
S. 'Doodlebug' is a hybrid of S. alabamensis x psittacina. One of several complex hybrids developed at the Univ. of North Carolina, 'Doodlebug,' has a compact habit 6-8" and freely forms many colorful p... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid 'Lady Bug'Common Name: 'Lady Bug'
S. 'Ladybug' is one of several complex hybrids developed by Larry Mellichamp at the Univ. of North Carolina. Parentage Sarracenia psittacina x purpurea x minor, 'Ladybug,' is known for it's free forming of short stock... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid 'Love Bug'Common Name: 'Love Bug'
S. 'Lovebug' is one of several complex hybrids developed by Larry Mellichamp at the Univ. of North Carolina. Parentage (Sarracenia psittacina x purpurea x minor x [Sarracenia purpurea x Sarracenia x jonesii] 'Lovebug,' h... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid 'Mardi Gras'Common Name: 'Mardi Gras'
S. 'Mardi Gras' is one festive cultivar of several complex hybrids developed by Larry Mellichamp at the Univ. of North Carolina. Parentage (Sarracenia leucophylla x purpurea) x (Sarracenia leucophylla x psitt... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x UNC Hybrid 'Red Bug'Common Name: 'Red Bug'
S. 'Redbug' is one of several dwarf cultivars developed by Larry Mellichamp at the Univ. of North Carolina, 'Redbug,'. It's parentage is (Sarracenia rubra ssp. wherryi × Sarracenia rubra ssp. rubra). 'Re... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia purpurea ssp.'Venosa'Common Name: Sarracenia purpurea ssp.'Venosa'
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Sarracenia x 'Amber Rays' (seedlings)Common Name: Sarracenia oreophylla x purpurea
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Sarracenia x 'Candy Stripe' x leucoCommon Name: Sarracenia leuco x 'Candy Stripe'
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Sarracenia x 'Flys Demise' (seedlings)Common Name: Sarracenia UNC Hybrid S. 'Flys Demise'
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Sarracenia x 'Purpetrator' (AU hybrid)Common Name: Sarracenia purpurea x
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Sarracenia x (oreo x leuco)Common Name: Sarracenia oreo x leuco
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Sarracenia x (readii x moorei)Common Name: Sarracenia (leuco x rubra j) (lxf)
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Sarracenia x areolataCommon Name: Sarracenia leucophylla x alata
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Sarracenia x excellensCommon Name: Sarracenia leucophylla x minor
S. x excellens is a naturally occurring hybrid. Parentage (S. leucophylla x minor). A beautifully rounded monk like hood with ruffle. Green pitchers with red venation over white windows deepen ... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x moorei (flava x leucophylla)Common Name: Sarracenia flava x leucophylla
S. x moorei is a natural hybrid of (S. flava x leucophylla). A pale green pitcher with light red venation over white hood. S. moorei is a very tall at 24" - 30". Pitchers have a pronounced deep red thro... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x readei (leuco x rubra jonsii) All GreenCommon Name: Sarracenia leuco x rubra
S. readei parentage (S. rubra x leucophylla). Found in the wild, S. readei, is a native perennial hybrid. Lacking anthocyanin, color pigment, our S. readei has all green narrow ... [ More Info ]
Sarracenia x readii (leuco x rubra jonsii)Common Name: Sarracenia leuco x rubra
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Sarracenia x swanianaCommon Name: Sarracenia purpurea x minor
S. Swaniana, parentage (S. purpurea x minor). One of the rarest natural hybrids! S. swaniana has gorgeous deep pink-red coloration on decumbent compact pitchers 8-10". This is a great cross for a s... [ More Info ]