Plant Library
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Egeria canadensisCommon Name: Waterweed
Elodea canadensis is a common native submergent plant frequent in more alkaline waters. Its short stems grow 2-6" long with densely whorled leaves. Elodea grows stoloniferously in loose pond bottoms and provides excellent cover for young fish. Com... [ More Info ]
Eichornia crassipesCommon Name: Water hyacinth
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Eleocharis acicularisCommon Name: Least spikerush
Eleocharis acicularis, Least spikerush, is a perennial with smooth round solid stems which form an oval spike flower on the tips. Just under 1' tall, it can be grown individually or in nice tight clusters along shorelines ... [ More Info ]
Eleocharis obtusaCommon Name: Spikerush
Eleocharis obtusa, Spike rush, is typically one of the first colonizers of a freshly dug storm water basin or pond. Eleocharis obtusa forms attractive lime green clumps 1' tall topped with a blunt dark brown seed head in mid... [ More Info ]
Eleocharis palustrisCommon Name: Creeping spikerush
Eleocharis palustris, Creeping spikerush, is a perennial colonizer which forms a dense root mass along pond shores creeping out into 4-6" of water. Sometimes mistaken for a grass, creeping spikerush forms nice tight clusters of green... [ More Info ]
Eleocharis parvulaCommon Name: Dwarf spikerush
Eleocharis parvula, Dwarf spikerush, is a perennial with smooth round solid stems which form an oval spike flower on the tips. Just under 3" tall, Dwarf spikerush can be grown individually or in nice tight clusters al... [ More Info ]
Eleocharis quadrangulataCommon Name: Four squarerush
Eleocharis quadrangulata, Four squarerush, is a PA endangered plant. Four squarerush has a distinct four sided stem which is dark green in color. With an elegant simplicity, this 2-3' tall rush grows in... [ More Info ]
Elymus hystrixCommon Name: Bottle brush grass
Elymus hystrix, Bottle brush grass, grows in a wide range of soil conditions including heavy clay with dry to medium hydrology. Bottle brush grass can take a variety of light conditions from full sun to part shade. I... [ More Info ]
Elymus ripariusCommon Name: Riverbank wild rye
Elymus riparius, Riverbank wild rye, is aptly named for its utility when doing streambank or riverbank rehabilitation. This perennial cool season grass is good for erosion control in moist areas. Riverbank wild rye has... [ More Info ]
Elymus virginicusCommon Name: Virginia wild rye
Elymus virginicus or Virginia wild rye is a versatile shade tolerant cool season grass which grows just over 3' tall and offers great perennial competition against Japanese stiltgrass. The slightly drooping seed heads... [ More Info ]
Equisetum fluviatileCommon Name: Water horsetail
Equisetum fluviatile, Water horsetail, is a fairly slender medium-sized Equisetum growing 1-2' tall in dense dark green colonies along shorelines and shallow water. Although lacking true leaves or flowers, the upright stems of Wa... [ More Info ]
Equisetum hyemaleCommon Name: Horsetail
Equisetum hyemale, Horsetail, spreads from creeping rhizomes in an extremely wide range of soils from full sun to part shade. Growing 3-5' tall in dense dark green colonies this is a great choice for moist low spots where nothing else wil... [ More Info ]
Equisetum scirpoidesCommon Name: Dwarf horsetail
Equisetum scirpoides, Dwarf horsetail, is a slender small-sized Equisetum growing less than 1' tall in dense dark green colonies along shorelines and shallow water. Although lacking true leaves or flowers, the upright stems of Dw... [ More Info ]
Eriocaulon aquaticumCommon Name: Pipewort
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Eryngium aquaticumCommon Name: Marsh Rattlesnake-master
Eryngium aquaticum, Marsh rattlesnake-master, is an attractive silver blue flowering perennial that is widely underused in sunny poorly drained or wetland areas. Eryngium aquaticum stands 3-4’ tall and blooms... [ More Info ]
Eupatorium perfoliatumCommon Name: Boneset
Eupatorium perfoliatum, Boneset, is one of the most widespread of our native wetland wildflowers. It prefers wet to damp areas of the wetland margin. While tolerant of flooding, it is not usually found growing in water but is very co... [ More Info ]
Eutrochium fistulosumCommon Name: Joe Pye Weed
Eutrochium fistulosum, Joe Pye Weed, is a 6-8' tall yet graceful plant which prefers moist areas and has a tolerance for a variety of soils. A staple in any rain or butterfly garden this plant will attract loads of beautiful b... [ More Info ]